本帖最后由 小鱼游游 于 2016-7-27 11:21 编辑


>>M1与你的命运。What is M1? Is it related to you?
Where is the money from?
Ø Everyone is related with M1, the fate of each individual has been manipulated by it. Before understanding M1, look at M0(= all the printed money).M1=M0+非金融企业活期存款+机关团体活期存款,aka, 狭义货币。M2=广义货币,是比M1更为复杂的资金构成。

Ø Before 2012, all the rise in M2 coincided with the growth of Chinese economy. Yet, after 2013, the rise of M1 saw decline in GDP. So, with growing volume of notes, will good things happen?

Well, as the base is large enough over the years, the growth rate of monetary volume is largely related to real estate industry and automobiles industry, but other industries experienced increasing drop, such as clothing and steel.

Ø The new round of M1 circle does not bring up household income, which actually remained stable. So where did the money go?

>>60% went to government platforms and SOEs, and rest 40% to real estate. That is why all platform and incubators get popular. All subsidies for new industries were from the government.
Especially since 2015, that has been the new norm. What should we do then? Wary of 经济滞胀(stagnation)!!!

Ø So when economy is sluggish, as we are in, a stage of economic stagnation where price goes sky rocket but capital spill out, one should get 实物资产(tangible assets), such as silver, gold, or黄金石油农产品, particularlyYOUR HOUSE!!!! Choose wisely, in this new wave of foam, get a house and then some gold bars!!!

Ø After stagnation, follows slowdown. The Chinese economy is going in the shape of L, we are in the decline process, not even hitting the bottom. If you are in such a stage, you will see prices dropping, and the probable assets should be financial assets金融资产,eg. H stock H股 in Hong Kong, securities and so on.

Ø Yet, we are still in stagnation and slow down is far behind. So, Ms. Ye persuades her mom to get some gold! You should care about this matter. 90% of the population didn’t care about them. However, as a concerned individual one should get smart with managing the assets.
其二,M1 ,M1=M0+非金融企业活期存款+机关团体活期存款。
其三,M2, (M2)=M1+准货币(定期存款+居民储蓄存款+其他存款)。

Ø 7天回购利率 vs十年期国债收益率, for十年期,Jp -3%, Germany 1%, cn 3.5%,so the cn economy is still vibrant. Given the context of a winter of capital, individuals get tangibles in stagnation and then sell em in slowdown.

>>what about companies?
Ø Get government money, play their rules. Meet its criteria and survive the winter.

1. 南京楼市判断预言

2. 股市判断预言。
答:今年下半年stock market shall have a miracle rise。

3. 家庭保值,资产如何分配?
答:721,10%买保险,20% 现金,70%house房产+股票。

4. 保险买什么?

Btw, a venture capitalist said he doesn’t want concepts, he wants a project that can generate real revenue really quick.
For young guys there aren’t much financial products they can choose, evenprivate equity products are too few. But they can get Yu’ebao, then get 基金定投,fixed time pay fixed amount. Chooseone for a number of years or指数基金。闭着眼睛存,就认为是存给孙子的,rich or poor, the dripping water penetrates the stone.

Ø 10-15年换一套房子,其实3-5年最好。新房子装修好住个7-8年就换,然后可以买个新房。新房子涨幅一定高于二手房。保证资产的增值幅度高。房子超过20年贷款资质都没有。房子多了就不要再投资房子。有人讲今年7月份之后抛售房子换成金子。
Ø 刚需总要买。投资要谨慎,拴在房子上还是不合理的。房子是被动投资,风险和利润不成正比。货币会贬值,贷款可以多贷些。永远不要等房子跌才买。如果要投资,还是投资房地产相关产业。前期来南京的外地年轻人一定要先购置一套60平以上房子。如果一直持有现金就是向政府交“智商税”,千万不要过多的持有现金。

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弧戈网络 发表于 2016-7-27 08:38

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